So you have embarked on your latest digital marketing campaign and leads are coming in but you aren’t sure how effective your strategy is.

Whether you are executing a Facebook ad campaign or boosting up your organic SEO search rankings, a good place to start measuring success would be on your own website itself (don’t just trust your Singapore digital marketing agency to handle it!)

While it is common to just track the overall traffic coming to your website or leads generated, that is too short-sighted and won’t be able to paint the entire picture of your digital marketing’s effectiveness.

In this article, we will be going through the top 6 digital marketing metrics for your website you should be tracking for continued success.

6 Critical Website Metrics To Track For Your Digital Marketing Success

1. Unique & Organic Traffic

Perhaps one of the most important metrics to track, your unique and organic traffic stats are important for the following reasons:

Organic Traffic: This shows you the amount of visitors that are coming to your website primarily from search engines (Google). This is a direct reflection of how good your non-paid SEO is doing.

Unique Traffic: With this metric, you can quickly learn how much traffic really is visiting your website, you cut away any additional traffic that comes as a result of multiple visits from the same person.

SEO leads have a 14.6% conversion rate - that means higher quality leads are generated!

Want more traffic (especially organic traffic)? It’s time to boost not just your local SEO, but begin content marketing which primarily should be blogging for your website.

The more quality information you put out there that people seek and are searching for, the more traffic your website will enjoy!

2. New Visitors & Returning Visitors

Are your advertisements or content bringing you fresh visitors or is it the same crowd that keeps visiting your website?

Depending on your goals, each of these metrics serves a different purpose.

Just had a social marketing campaign go up on Facebook and Instagram or maybe you have been consistently uploading blog posts onto your website?

Then new visitors is key to understanding if you are reaching new audiences that find enough value in your ads to actually visit your website to view your content or understand more about your brand.

However, if you decide to redesign your website to be more user-friendly or was busy inter-linking your new articles to the old ones, returning visitors is a key metric to understanding if new people coming to your website find it valuable or entertaining enough to check out your other content or pages.

For a website that is mainly a blog, your returning visitor is crucial to understanding if your content is valuable or ‘sticky’ enough for your audience to keep coming back.

Returning visitors are important as they stay 63 seconds longer than new users and have a 13% lower bounce rate.

If you run an e-commerce site, your returning visitors is also a key metric that you want to focus on to understand how your post-sales marketing is - are you remarketing and retargeting them well? Are your upsell offers relevant?

That is the importance of the returning visitors metric.

New Visitors vs Returning Visitors

3. Average Session Duration

How effective is your website and content in capturing your reader’s attention?

One of Google’s key ranking criteria is the user experience you are giving to your audience. If your users find it useful and if it is a long-form type of content (1,500 words or more ) then it only makes common sense they will stay longer on your page to finish consuming your content.

This is where the average session duration metric comes into play and where tracking it for your various pages is key - especially if you are investing in content marketing.

If the average session duration is low, that is an indication of either:

  • Your content isn’t strong enough to address your reader’s needs
  • Your website design isn’t pleasing or appealing to your users, negatively affecting their user experience.

If your average session duration metric is lower than usual, it’s time to check the quality of your content or design.

4. Bounce Rate

Bounce rate is simply the amount of visitors (in percentage) that leaves your website after viewing only one page.

This is an important metric when it comes to understanding how well linked your various pages are and if you have done a good job at monetising your website or effectively leading them towards a conversion point. A good design from a credible web design agency in Singapore will help reduce bounce rate and capture attention better.

As quoted by Digital Marketing Guru Neil Patel, ‘Reducing your bounce rate helps to boost your conversion rate.’

While it is common to have a moderate bounce rate, having a large amount of your traffic bounce away is an indication of a poor sales funnel.

Lower Bounce Rate is important

5. Conversion Rate / Leads Generated

Understanding the quality of your traffic is key for your optimisation efforts which lead to our next metric: Conversion Rate.

While the conversion rate will vary from industry to industry, what you are aiming for is to maximise it while keeping it relatively consistent so that you can predict the results of any future traffic.

Do note that depending on your business type, conversions could vary from business to business. Depending on your goals, a conversion could be:

  • An inquiry left on your lead generation form
  • An email captured
  • A download made on your ebook
  • An actual online sale

6. Referral Traffic (Web & Social)

Not all traffic that comes to your website is direct or organic traffic, in fact, some of the most high-quality traffic that you could enjoy is a by-product of your digital marketing efforts such as guest-posting as well as your social media presence.

Referral traffic is simply the amount of traffic your website enjoys from external sources. These could be:

  • An industry blog that is featuring your company
  • A press release that links to your website
  • A blog article that features your brand or your content
  • A guest post that you wrote that has a link back to your website
  • A Facebook or LinkedIn profile where you share your blog’s content

If your digital marketing strategy is on point, referral traffic can be one of the highest quality traffic your website can enjoy.

If you are embarking on guest posting campaigns or a social media push, this is a critical metric to measure that will determine the effectiveness of your strategy.


Having a digital strategy is good, executing on it is better, but smart businesses will ensure they are not executing it in a vacuum.

These 6 digital marketing metrics are key to measure to ensure your campaigns are working and where they might be falling short. If you are hiring a digital marketing agency in Singapore, ensure their tip-top performance with this list of digital marketing metrics

Pen down your key goals and use the relevant metrics to chart your way to digital success!

At 24K, we are experts in SEO, digital marketing and are a user-first web design company in Singapore. If you need help to grow your business online, we are here to help!

Just drop us a message here and our team at 24K will be in touch!